Monday, May 3, 2010

reality is fancydancing

the universe is my zen master; it swiftly strikes when i'm residing in an error

the big bang is the first patriarch of my lineage

earth is my only sutra

today i recite aloud the sacred text of earth leaf by leaf

this morning the mouth of the river is a baby blue in color and laughs with an innocent ripple

these are the last words this thought will ever write

and these are the last words *this* thought will ever write

i feel it might be time if you might know the space?

buddha and thomas jefferson are like really freaked out with recent developments

you should kill the buddha every 20 years! but that's much too revolutionary for your everyday scoundrel.

to those who claim a lineage to one who left no lineage: love!

reality is fancydancing

life is red chile and green chile

nothing is sacred

seriously, our world is a work of art much closer to the truth when we paint it with a smile

the zen of atman: first, i rest in i am; next, i disappear in am; last, am moves i.

1 comment:

  1. I like your style here:

    "these are the last words this thought will ever write

    i feel it might be time if you might know the space?"

    It is like an esoteric quick-fire comedian. Maybe like Stephen Wright.
