Thursday, February 18, 2010

real religion

if the fall don't kill you, your thoughts will

if it weren't for my social conditioning i'd be nothing

in the land of ten thousand stories, suspending disbelief is king

we are all each other's hypnotist

sometimes i think i'd like to put this genie back into the bottle but then i'm aware that's just another thought

the self is just raspberry of flavor that's been added to crystal pure spring water and when i stop it settles to the bottom of the bottle

so tired of giving myself the raspberry

the one true cult is culture and the one real religion is that which is its deprogramming

we are not the world; we are the sun

the only problem is the thought that there's a problem and that's no problem at all

reclaiming christ from christians and buddha from buddhists and a from atheists

out of an emptiness of all potential comes this single moment

within this hurricane of mind's interpretation is an eye

when tossed about by all the winds of doing thinking feeling, stop and rest right here and now within the centrifugal eye of being


  1. Great!

    two favourite lines (of many)

    "in the land of ten thousand stories, suspending disbelief is king"

    "the self is just raspberry of flavor that's been added to crystal pure spring water and when i stop it settles to the bottom of the bottle"

  2. I'd go with lychee flavor. But I guess it's just the same little self :p
